søndag 7. oktober 2007

Fall Holiday! and boredom

Ok! So I've just had a whole week off from school. Why? Dont really know, but I once heard its some anicent viking, pre-viking sacred week or something(yes we're still barbarians so we follow the heathen ways) so we use that to our advantage and get a week off(who wouldnt)

Its been hell of a week, full of intrigues, parties and fights(yepp fun ones too) We've had our first soccer game on sunday, which went crappy, tho it was fun and I had alot of fun injuring my self again, I guess Im a sadist...not really... And suddenly I cant recall more from what happened that week, except I missed something I should have done or been at, which I've now repaied.. I think.

Now that first part was ranomly written many days ago(like.. 3-4) so I cant remember what happened, or what the hell I was talking about anymore, but it doesnt bother me, if it for some random reason bothers you, complain all you want. Maybe I might even listen to you.

Ok, so my life, as it has always been, has been school, training, choir, and an endless hunt for fun and what not.. Its not really slowed down, but I got some sense knocked into my self today, by my self, dont ask me how the hell that happened, but it did, and it hurt, so Im mad at my self.

Tho something sad is happening, and I cant do anything to change it, I've tried, but I aint.. well his mom. My best friend is about to get kicked out of school because he never bothers to show up, no matter how much everyone complains. I joke about it whenever we're there, but I know school will be a bore if he isnt going to be there for the rest of the year. I mean, who am I now suopposed to make fun of, or joke with?:P Either he is allready out of school, or he has one more day to miss, and he is out.. and will have to take the year over again after summer, when Im in the military. Sucks to be him I guess. At least I tried to help him.. I can find some.. reassurance, and he'll have friends to lean on if he has troubles this year.

Except that, I guess my life is fine and dandy, tho I do have trouble deciding certain things, those who have talked to me lately, might know what Im talking about, and all I can say is that the situation has grown worse, and more hillarious and painful. Its like Im entwining myself into a bush of beautiful roses. So much beauty, wonderfull smell and soft leafs, tho thorns that sting, and I break off vines without meaning it. its a teenagers life I guess

1 kommentarer:

Roberto Lerma sa...

Egil! you have a blog! I had no freaking idea. haha, I found one of your comments in Randi's blog. Anyway, check out my blog every once in a while, sometimes I blog a lot and sometimes not at all. Well that's it, hope life in Norwegia is good.
