Im afraid this might be yet another depressing one^^ So if you dont wanna risk to read anything like that, dont read this:)
These past few weeks I've staied up 'till 4am.. now why the hell would I do something like that? Well because Im twitterpated, thats why. And things have been going quite.. smoothly... until today^^
Yesterday we spent the most amazing time in town. Yeah.. I couldda done better, but I guess it was better than nothing. I can reveal there might have been a kiss or two, but I guess we managed to restrain our selves from a major make-out, for when we werent in the middle of a bloody crowd.
When I came home.. I was tired and hungry. I hadnt eaten for a whoel day, almost. But my body was also exhausted because of the cold and the stress. So basically I went to bed and fell asleep.
So now, today, I've still been very exhausted. Not only that, but theres been questions raining from every where if we're now officially together nor not. I'd say I wouldn't mind, but.. I dont know, I feel stupid saying this.. but now that I finally can have something I've wanted for a very long time(her), Im gonna miss the fight for her. Not only that, but its been like.. a major wall between us all day. Shes been quite exhausted too, and slept most of today. I dont know.. I guess I miss her? Im just sad. Sad because I dont have the chance to talk to her. To be with her. To love her, the way she deserves to be loved.. to be treated.. like the queen of cuteness that she is.
Now Im tired, because my mom has given me some pills to help me sleep, so good night, and farewell. Hope y'all have a nice time 'till next time:)
mandag 19. november 2007
Lagt inn av Norwegia kl. 14:41 0 kommentarer
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