So I realised that I'd neglected writing here when my girlfriend, Marianne, got her own blogg. Hell, I guess many of you won't even notice this. Some might not care, some might. I suppose I'll give my thoughts and thanks to the ones who does.
In my last post I wrote that I was going into the army to join the special forces. Well. That I did. Stayed there for a month. Ruined my hip, but its starting to recover..After that I joined the "KESK". They're a unit specialized in training other batalions. Basically, they just fight and fight. I was with the KESK for about 3 months. After that I became a military journalist so that I could get an education. Now that I've been here for a while.. Im bored. So...In may Im gonna join the Telemark Batalion. They're the most active batalion when it comes to foreign service and they only recruit professional soldiers. It'll be exiting and hard. I like it. I love challenges..or have you noticed that, perchance?
In my personal life, not much has changed since last time. I've dated my Marianne for a year now(11th of april) and we're still manageing strong.

but the shaddows are a shilouette of a
CV9030 tank, I just like the pic
I find it hard to define my life right now. I live at 3 different places(Fredrikstad, Oslo, and the military base Rena), have so many friends in so many places I find it almost hard to cope. The toughest part is that when I'm in the camp, my sivilian life seems..none existant. Its as if Rena becomes a small town and all my friends here(whom I've become really close to due to the things we've gone through together) are.. as close as my oldest friends. I mean no ill by those words. My old ones are not bad, not at all. Its just that they've never done anything with me to bring us close as the new ones. I takes some trust to be perfectly content having a guy/girl lying behind you shooting with an automatic rifle while you're moving forward infront of 'em.

If I die, let me just say "sorry" and I'll probably think "damn" when it happens, or "wups!". I won't though. Too stubborn and I still have more too see and experience. I'll only surrender to the void when I have no more to experience and can say to life "Been there, done that"
I love you all. Miss you. And I'll see you in the summer. Are you ready?
-Corporal Ravendale
2 kommentarer:
It's nice to hear from you finally :) It sounds like military life suits you well for the most part, but of course it's not gonna fit everyone perfectly. It's normal to miss the things and people that you left behind.
Anyway, just so you know, we miss you in Heber! Well, I do anyway. Keep writing blogs and keeping us updated, eh?
All the best of luck to ya. And don't you freaking die on me. I'm serious.
Berto Hello good day durland universitymr nyurka tempelight rooster foresee
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