lørdag 18. april 2009

Im content with my life

Hey. Hello. Check this babe out! I realized that..well. Im dateing a model. How sweet is that! Gorgeous and dangerous. Does a guy need any more than that? Oh, don't worry, I havent left Marianne for this cheap Model. Marianne IS this cheap model(smiling evily, 'cause he knows she'll be reading this and he just wants to tease her)
I lay in bed one night, after watching Scrubs. Did I mention that I'm addicted to it? Hadn't seen a single episode before last tuesday..and now..well. I've seen a feeeew more. For some reason the series make me think alot. plus, I watch it in my office. Which means..Im all alone. THAT is a luxery for me these days. I purswayed my boss to let me stay in the office and work or study 'till what ever hour I wanted..as long as I come back for work the day after. I usually do, but he neglected to mention the condition Im supposed to be in..so I stay there..writing..drawing..talking to people or watching Scrubs until 1am...and I have to wake up at 5:55am and go to work through the whole day. Kinda sucks my energy out. But its worth it.
Anyway..so I realised on night I walked out of the office building and looked up at the sky.
We are insignificant in the great picture. Not just us as individuals. Us as a species. I found that comforting. Why? Because I've always been afraid of being forgotten. I wanna do something with my life so I can make a difference and put a mark in the history books. But it doesnt matter! Actually..it was Spore which thought me this. How big the universe is and how impossibly many species or whatever might be out there. They don't matter to us nor we to them. So I guess the reason I find it comforting is..weird as it is..that at least I wont be alone in not mattering. At least my life is good. Its a short life, the one we humans have, and we can't live for hundreds of years. If you then have a good life, be content with it. It could have been worse. I have a wonderful family, girlfriend, friends and "job". We could die at any moment, but Im not afraid of dying. Im not afraid of being forgotten anymore. Because I have this life. The people. And they wouldn't forget. What someone I don't know or will ever meet, who lives 300 years after my death, hell, 1000 years, would think of me, wouldn't matter. I'd still be dead. My legacy will be in everyone who knows me, knew me, or the ones I knew. By living this life, a "normal" life, I will leave the greatest legacy or memory anyone could. A family. Friends. New life.

Another reason why Im so happy is..Im lying in bed, our bed(marianne and me) in our apartment..squeezed between a frog which squeaks and a panda which tries to eat all my marie cookies. My girl is lying by me looking as beautiful as ever, and beautiful music playing in the background.

Content. I am fine

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