I found out that my name, Ravndal, or Ravendale, is not allowed to use as a surname unless you've been born or wedded into the family name. I found that rather remarkable and felt a little bit more proud of it. Funny how that is. Its like the last chocolate pice on a tray is the one everyone feels is the most delecious one, and they just have to have it. So now, because its rare, Im never gonna take it away. Ever. Don't even try to pursway me.
I read the other day about this monkey, Travis, in America, who'd attacked and ripped off a womans face and arms before being shot by the police. For some reason the article, or at least case, facinated me, so I started investegating. In America there are over 17000 families who have monkeys of all sorts as pets. Why? Ok, Im just jelous. Hell if I'd want a big chimpansee or anything in that size. We're not allowed to have monkeys as pets here in Norway. I mean..how cool would it be to have a bud like that who'd climb everywhere, who'd watch tv with you and shut up, instead of commenting on EVERYTHING(like certain people who live in mariannes and my apartment). Plus, they're human like and can do most of the things we do. For some reason, after reading that article, I also ended up reading and researching for 2 hours on face transplantation(first sucess was in 2005, France)At the end of the day, I sat reading up on cats and their history. Historical cats and sorts. No cat in history is as awesome as Sir. Gulliver or Mr. Smee of course;) One of the most famous and personal favorites are Trim and Mrs. Chippy(who was actually a male...!)
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