When you now look at me, I am no longer just a single man. I am someone bound by a greater force. I dont stand alone anymore. I've got something to aid me in everything I now do. I wish everyone could experience or have that by their side. I guess its something worth fighting for. It was for me. And I will never look back at the battle with regret. What happened, the sorrows and the joys, were all meant to happen, eveyrthing has a meaning, as Laurie once told me, but back then I got pissed off.. now, I know better. She was right. As always^^ Laurie, I owe you one. Good night, Americans, tomorrows morning will be the most beautiful that has ever been seen.
søndag 2. desember 2007
mandag 19. november 2007
Im afraid this might be yet another depressing one^^ So if you dont wanna risk to read anything like that, dont read this:)
These past few weeks I've staied up 'till 4am.. now why the hell would I do something like that? Well because Im twitterpated, thats why. And things have been going quite.. smoothly... until today^^
Yesterday we spent the most amazing time in town. Yeah.. I couldda done better, but I guess it was better than nothing. I can reveal there might have been a kiss or two, but I guess we managed to restrain our selves from a major make-out, for when we werent in the middle of a bloody crowd.
When I came home.. I was tired and hungry. I hadnt eaten for a whoel day, almost. But my body was also exhausted because of the cold and the stress. So basically I went to bed and fell asleep.
So now, today, I've still been very exhausted. Not only that, but theres been questions raining from every where if we're now officially together nor not. I'd say I wouldn't mind, but.. I dont know, I feel stupid saying this.. but now that I finally can have something I've wanted for a very long time(her), Im gonna miss the fight for her. Not only that, but its been like.. a major wall between us all day. Shes been quite exhausted too, and slept most of today. I dont know.. I guess I miss her? Im just sad. Sad because I dont have the chance to talk to her. To be with her. To love her, the way she deserves to be loved.. to be treated.. like the queen of cuteness that she is.
Now Im tired, because my mom has given me some pills to help me sleep, so good night, and farewell. Hope y'all have a nice time 'till next time:)
Lagt inn av Norwegia kl. 14:41 0 kommentarer
søndag 7. oktober 2007
Fall Holiday! and boredom
Ok! So I've just had a whole week off from school. Why? Dont really know, but I once heard its some anicent viking, pre-viking sacred week or something(yes we're still barbarians so we follow the heathen ways) so we use that to our advantage and get a week off(who wouldnt)
Its been hell of a week, full of intrigues, parties and fights(yepp fun ones too) We've had our first soccer game on sunday, which went crappy, tho it was fun and I had alot of fun injuring my self again, I guess Im a sadist...not really... And suddenly I cant recall more from what happened that week, except I missed something I should have done or been at, which I've now repaied.. I think.
Now that first part was ranomly written many days ago(like.. 3-4) so I cant remember what happened, or what the hell I was talking about anymore, but it doesnt bother me, if it for some random reason bothers you, complain all you want. Maybe I might even listen to you.
Ok, so my life, as it has always been, has been school, training, choir, and an endless hunt for fun and what not.. Its not really slowed down, but I got some sense knocked into my self today, by my self, dont ask me how the hell that happened, but it did, and it hurt, so Im mad at my self.
Tho something sad is happening, and I cant do anything to change it, I've tried, but I aint.. well his mom. My best friend is about to get kicked out of school because he never bothers to show up, no matter how much everyone complains. I joke about it whenever we're there, but I know school will be a bore if he isnt going to be there for the rest of the year. I mean, who am I now suopposed to make fun of, or joke with?:P Either he is allready out of school, or he has one more day to miss, and he is out.. and will have to take the year over again after summer, when Im in the military. Sucks to be him I guess. At least I tried to help him.. I can find some.. reassurance, and he'll have friends to lean on if he has troubles this year.
Except that, I guess my life is fine and dandy, tho I do have trouble deciding certain things, those who have talked to me lately, might know what Im talking about, and all I can say is that the situation has grown worse, and more hillarious and painful. Its like Im entwining myself into a bush of beautiful roses. So much beauty, wonderfull smell and soft leafs, tho thorns that sting, and I break off vines without meaning it. its a teenagers life I guess
Lagt inn av Norwegia kl. 13:29 1 kommentarer
onsdag 26. september 2007
Smelling Like My Mom
Lagt inn av Norwegia kl. 00:38 0 kommentarer
onsdag 19. september 2007

If thats how my life is, I sure hope I'll change, and fast too.
My problem now is that I lay for hours, trying to sleep, when I cant, I write, or I just lie there, pondering on the mysteries of life, of my life, and everything around me, the future and the past, why things are the way they are, and what could happen if this and that was done. I think I think too much. Thats probably the source to my "insomnia". I've also gotten sick alot. Probably because Im too much of an idiot to dress according to what kind of weather it is. For me now, its cold, but like dad said, and from what I remember, it gets.. ALOT colder. I hope I just dont end up with pnumonia again.
I feel exhausted. N

Except all that my life is school, training and writing. The weekends are filled with friends and fun, but the weekdays I spend mostly by my self or with my friend Andy, whose got a better understanding of things than the people here. I think my life is fine as it is, but at the same time, I feel it could be more. Everyone probably has those thoughts sometimes eh? Delutional dreams of greatness and fame. Tho I wouldnt want fame.. hell no, I'd rather be unkown, poor and free to roam as I please than rich and stalked.
I guess thats it for now, sorry for the this awefully depressing blogg, I'll make it up to you guys, I promise;) Im just tired, and need more than 1 and a half hour sleep for once. Good night
Lagt inn av Norwegia kl. 00:27 1 kommentarer
torsdag 6. september 2007
Bing Bom Bang
Lagt inn av Norwegia kl. 09:35 0 kommentarer
søndag 2. september 2007
Hi.. I guess
So yeah, I've been shown a couple of bloggs lately, and I thought, hey, why the bloody h*** do I use that piczo thingy when I could just do it the easy way and write somewhere someone would actually, or at least, might, find me and read what I have to say, or think.. whatever.
Things.. have been rather different here in Norway. My life in America is something else to me now. That life, is just that, a different life. It is as if everything was one dream, with blissfull and dazzeling events and experiences. I have learned alot from it, and I miss it. Certain things back there made it all worth a while, and thats what I really miss.
Im not a very big fan of blogging. I must say I find it rather.. amusing, and interesting, to read what you have written, to see what you feel and think. Theres probably not a big chance of me being as.. "experienced" or "talented" as you guys, with you're "Remember when" 's and stuff. I could try, I suppose I want to.. it'd be interesting to see what I'd come up with.. Ok here I go(talk about being a dead fish in the stream)
Remember when...
...you asked if we would like to join you for Spider Man 3?
...that my heart was 10 feet behind me?
...I made you nose bleed(sorry)
...I made you guys wait for me for 40 minutes?
...we lay on the lawn talking about absolutely everything and nothing?
...the question you asked me in the car on a tuesday?(yes)
...us 3 having an "innocent" conversation at the trainstation thingy resturant?
...I made you realize something in the car which might have changed your life in some ways?
....the smile you got when I gave you the "key" back?
..."this is egil, he's from norway, and he needs friends"?
...what I said with us and all those girls in the jaccuzi?
....when you caught me on web with those two.. sleep-over guests??
...when I at least tried to help to plan your date
...the pool?
...what you thought when I said "it" and turned my back at you for a second?
...me in japanese class?
...the hot springs?
I guess that'll be it for now. Hmm.. Im quite proud of that! I dont know many over there who has these bloggs and can read 'em, so I had to twist and turn my brain to get it out. What'll be more interestin' is to see who thinks what applies to them. Ask me if yer not sure.. I promise I wont laugh..*caugh*
thats it for now, first blogg, yay!
Love ya always
Egil Oniango Ravndal aka Norwegia/Birdy/Blondie/Viking and so on
Lagt inn av Norwegia kl. 23:16 3 kommentarer