onsdag 26. september 2007

Smelling Like My Mom

Hehe, the title, well I'll explain that eventually, I dont go around smelling like my mom for no good reason.

Ok so I promised a cheerfull one this time, and a blissfull one it'll be then. I just usually just save all my good things and stories for whenever someone I know feels down and I'll think about my good ones to make them look on the bright side of things, and they'll think what most of them do, that I always look on the bright side, but you whose read the previous ones, might(if you cant read, or is completely blind and deaf so no one could read it to you) have noticed I dont do that at all.

Anyways, the past days have been one hell of an adventure. I busted my good old friend Espen with a certain lass I've suspected him being with, having a very.. cozy goodbye at a bus station while I drove by, which made me happy, cause the dude hasnt had many friends lately, and hasnt ever really had a girlfriend. I wish I'll be able to have a cozy goodbye at a bus station yet again, sometime soon.. muwhaha.

Well I have been hanging out with dad alot lately, since mom has been at work, and someones gotta make the food eh? Not only that but we've been biking here and there, no matter how cold it gets, and watch movies until its waaaaay too late for us, and basically have a blast. I love my dad^^.. and mom..

A few days ago I went to the movies(stardust) with Espen and his lass, Ida, and my best friend Andy, and after the movie, we randomly met some.. very good girlfriends of mine I've missed for a while. I love the way when you meet someone you've got immediate chemestry with and have a blast with, and then some time passes, but when you see them again, its like you've never been apart. Heidi and Nathalie, oh yeah baby. Heidi is small, yes, even smaller than you miss Randi, imagine that, but shes older than me! By like.. hmm, shes got birthday in Jan, while I've got in Nov.. figure it out for yer self:P Nathalie looks as if shes at last my age but is 14, I wonder why that is.. hmm..

I think its kinda sick of some of the people I know at my own age to run to the teenage schools(8th-10th grade) and find some girls there just because they're too hopeless and pathetic+desperate to find someone who wont make them look like a pedophile. Nathalie was one of these girls until I knocked some sense into her head a few weeks back. Shes probably not going back down that road.

After a while Heidi and I sat(stood and ran too) and talked for a loooooooooooong time and it was the coziest(if thats a word) time I've had in years. Wouldn't mind having more of those^^

I've been working hard to motivate my self to train too lately, but thanks to a very good friend of mine, whose name shall be kept out of this *caughANDYcaugh* I spend alot of time doing nothing when I could have been doing alot of weird crazy stuff like I used too, like staying up 'till wayyyyyy past bed time to train. Like now, but hey, guess what Im doing, Im writing this instead.. great..

At least he got me into the soccer team a few friends of mine created last year while I was out havin' fun across the pond, tho they needed a new name for our new, beautiful shirts and shorts that we got from the FFK club(which is the best soccer team in norway, mind you), and Andy and I thought "Balls of Fury" would be quite appropriate for our.. team. Basically the whole thing is a bullshit team, but its fun anyway.

Now here is the reason for why I for some reason, smell like my dearest mom. I had my first practice with the team, and took a shower, used the wrong shampoo, and voila! Like I said to someone else earlier today, I hope it wont stick to my my pillow and bed, so that the next.. well.. other person except me, sleeps there, wont freak out and think Im some kinda Odipus kid and run away from me. That'd just be so sad..
Thats basically all for now, I gotta go to bed and rise up early tomorrow/today, so good night 't all ye people, and stay out of trouble and behave. Maybe one day I'll be back to tic you off once again, or desperately try to make you smile once again. Adios mis amigos!

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